Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ross Lake 2007

We took our annual DeWaard family camping trip to beautiful Ross Lake this past weekend. Although it was a bit cool and it rained one night, the overall trip was still a blast. Highlights included singing around the campfire with Wade leading on guitar, lots of game playing and falling asleep to a chorus of a thousand froggies singing their hearts out, or should I say croaking their hearts out. The scenery there never fails to take my breath away.

My family -- on the left my sister Kristin and her fiance Jonathan (who are getting married in only 11 days!!! Ahhhh!), my Dad and Mom, my brother Kenner, and Wade and I and all our little ones.

Luke and Elijah lounging -- those kiddie chairs have gotten so much use!

Wade and the boys did swim one day even though it never got terribly warm.

My Mom and Isaac playing Scrabble - yeah right. Okay, Mom teaching Isaac how to spell.

There are a few of these outbuildings in the Ross Lake National Forest Area and they are hands-down the finest, most attractive, least smelly, most sanitary non-flush no-plumbing commodes. And for nearly $30,000 a piece, according to the forest ranger, they should be. Roomy, wheelchair accesible, well ventilated and equiped with hand sanitizer dispensers, these are the luxery edition of outhouses. These fine outbuildings get a full 10 points out of 10 on our campground rating scale. I could go on, but I'll spare you.

And the final tally for the weekend -- a whopping 9.6 points, with three categories (bathrooms, cost and overall enjoyability) getting the highest possible marks and the other two (campsites and interest) rating 9 out of 10. Can you tell we love this place?

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