We had a great long weekend with Nana -- the kids always have a blast when she's here, and Wade and I enjoy sleeping in a little later than the kids usually let us! We spent a day at a park where the boys spent more time splashing in the creek that playing on the playground. Even Elijah got wet, with a little help from Nana.

She and Papa bought Isaac a very early birthday present -- a new bike. He outgrew the itty-bitty one we bought him last summer much more quickly than we had expected! Attaching the training wheels was a bit of a trick,

but Wade made a few improvisations to some pieces and now it works great. Isaac thinks it's great, but is a little wary about actually riding it -- I think because he sits up so much higher! As you can see, Luke thinks the helmet is very fashionable.
My new hiking backpack arrived this week, much to Levi's delight. I think I could fit him inside it (and it wouldn't weight much more than a normal full pack!).
We're off to Ross Lake for the weekend, so expect to see an update and more pictures soon.
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