I realize it's been over a month since the last update and stuff has been happening in our lives... but our hard drive crashed a few weeks ago and we lost a month's worth of recent pics and I'm not very motivated to update this when I don't have photos to add! But here are a few new ones so...

We took our last camping trip of the summer on Labor Day weekend (lost all those pics). We went with several friends of ours to a river-side camp that distant relatives of ours created at the back of their farm, so it was very nice and private - just our group. The river was very low and very slow so the boys got lots of splash time and even donned life jackets and went tubing.

Dad and Mom Howard visited about two weeks ago -- yes, they drove out just for the weekend!
So of course the boys had a wonderful weekend of attention and candy and Lucky Charms (Papa comes prepared). We all headed out to a corn maze in Lynden and spent a bit of time getting lost there. That's where the pic of Dad, Mom and the boys was taken.
Luke found a nice cozy "house" under this leaning sunflower and hid out there for awhile one day this week.
Oh, what a bummer that you lost a month of pictures... I'm glad you didn't lose them all, though!
Us too! I'm so glad Wade does regular back-ups! We lost all the pics of our most recent camp-out and a really cute one of Isaac I was hoping to put in a frame somewhere, but oh well. It could have been much worse!
That's great that you were on top of doing regular back-ups. Jimmy set something up on our computer where once a week during the middle of the night it automatically looks for new or changed files and backs them up to a DVD. I'm glad he knows about computers because I would have no idea how to set up such a thing myself. Those pictures are valuable!
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