Once again a month has passed without an update, and I don't have a good excuse this time!

Our family headed down to Portland last weekend to visit Derric and Amanda. We spent an afternoon at a pumpkin farm where we got to ride on a boat and a train, roam a pumpkin patch and run through a hay maze. Luke also rode a pony (he was the only one brave enough).

The rest of the time we spent hanging out and Derric and Amanda's house, where the boys spent hours engrossed in a Costco-sized bucket of Tinkertoys (okay, so the adults also spent a lot of time playing with the Tinkertoys).

My mom and I took the boys to Stoney Ridge Farm mid-October where they got to feed turkeys, go on a hay ride, enjoy a corn maze and see the world's only pumpkin tree. Levi had a hard time keeping his hands off the tree -- he really wanted to pick one!

Last year we planted a Northern Red Oak in our backyard and started a tradition -- family oak tree picture day.

We snapped the second annual photo a couple weeks ago. The tree was quite eye-catching with its brilliant red leaves, but several windy days this week left it completely bare. Fall is here with a bit of a fury this week.
This is what happens when everyone at the same time says "Hold me Daddy!"
Very Cute pictures.
Is that you, Saturday-night-Gloria? Where's your blog at?
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