Isaac celebrated his fifth birthday on Nov. 17. At his request, we enjoyed cupcakes -- his topped with candles and candle-holders (Lifesavers). The big thing for him these days is Thomas the Tank Engine, and he got a moving Thomas with track and a Thomas game, as well as some cool new trucks, which are always a big hit at our house.

We got together for Thanksgiving lunch and a full afternoon and evening of games with the extended DeWaard clan. Much to Wade and my delight Lijah napped through most of the afternoon and the boys entertained themselves with legos for several hours, so we were actually able to enoy playing games without getting up every five minutes. On Friday and Saturday we put up the Christmas decorations and cut ourselves a Christmas tree. We let the boys pick out the tree (so we couldn't blame each other for picking out a lopsided one!), and they did a stellar job. We finished hanging the outside lights just as snow started to fall on Saturday.

Now to all you North Dakotans and Minnesotans reading this, a foot of snow might not be a big deal, but this is HUGE for us! We don't get snow, much less a full foot falling in less than 20 hours. We all bundled up, threw some snowballs and did a little sledding. Since we're all stuck inside (everything closes for snow here) we enjoyed an afternoon movie and snow ice cream -- num num.
Sounds fun! How did the boys like the snow? That must be super exciting for kids when it snows out there since it doesn't happen much. Oh, and I'm glad you were able to play games virtually uninterrupted. I can imagine that would be a rarity for you. We love our kids... but those long naps are great, aren't they?
I very rarely go to your blog. In fact I didn't even know you had one until I saw your link on Brandy's blog. So in answer to your question in the last post. Yes I'm the Saturday night Gloria. I saw your comment on my blog so I'm going to assume you found it. Sorry I didn't answer sooner. Just one question, would you mind if I linked you to my blog? And if you want to you may link mine to yours.
One more thing, How did the boys like my snowman?
Feel free to link our blog. And the boys loved the snowman. When they saw it Sunday morning, being boys, they said, "Cool! Let's throw snowballs at it and knock it down!" which they did.
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