Thursday, March 22, 2007

We're putting it to a vote

After much discussion, Wade and I decided to ask y'all what your opinions are on the relationship between Tootie Rolls and chocolate -- are Tootsie Rolls chocolate, are they a chocolate flavored candy, is there no connection at all between the two or do you have another theory on the matter?
Help us out here.


Anonymous said...

we are in agreement that tootsie rolls are not chocolate, nor do we believe that there is any real chocolate contained therein. henceforth,ergo, and consequently conclude that the tootsie roll has imitation chocolate flavoring that tricks the eater into thinking it's real chocolate via a strong artificial chocolate fragrance. and that is why they disappear so quickly at our home. we're so easily led.
i (zakiya) think they do a better job with the imitation strawberry used in the strawberry tootsie rolls.

Brandy said...

...huh..... i don't know. i try not to analyze my food too much :)

now i'm craving some! :)

Hey since I won't see you tonight, Bye all :) see ya in 3 weeks!!

Jimmy and Angela said...

I don't know, but I used to work with a woman who was lactose intolerant but loved chocolate. So she said she got Tootsie Rolls because they're not actually chocolate and thus have no milk in them. I don't know if this was just her take on it, though, or if that's completely true and factual.

Jimmy and Angela said...

I don't know, but I used to work with a woman who was lactose intolerant but loved chocolate. So she said she got Tootsie Rolls because they're not actually chocolate and thus have no milk in them. I don't know if this was just her take on it, though, or if that's completely true and factual.

Jimmy and Angela said...

I just found the ingredients online, which are as follows: sugar, corn syrup, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, condensed skim milk, cocoa, whey, soya lecithin, and artificial and condensed flavors.

Therefore, yes, they are actual chocolate due to cocoa being an ingredient. They also have milk in them, so my lactose intolerant co-worker was fooling herself.

Theresa said...

Hey Ang, you beat me to the online ingredient search. I agree that Tootsie Rolls are indeed chololate, or at least made of chocolate, just not as we typically think of it (in it's smooth, creamy form).

In my opinion, Tootsie Rolls are the cheapest of the cheap tasting kind of chocolate one can find. But hey, if you dig it, then that's your biz.

Gloria said...

Well... I love tootsie rolls almost as much as chocolate, but I don't think they really are chocolate. It don't really taste like it... I don't know, I don't relaly analyze my food either.

Anonymous said...

I bought 2 for a dollar the other day (the big ones) at a gas station and they definitely have Cocoa in the ingredients list. So I guess I will have to go with those who think it is chocolate. However, not as big a mess as a Hershey bar when it's 100 degrees out.


Mark said...

ok...since I don't even think Hershey's or M&Ms qualify as real chocolate...what can I say about the tootsie role?

Quite frankly, that I despise them with a firm passion. Think I got sick from eating ONE in my life. That was it.

lol or you can just remember that I am a chocolate snob and take that with a grain of might make it taste more like zout--which I happen to like. (see this link: