Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What We've Learned

This week we've learned that...

There is no significant reduction of microbes when the boys wash their hands with soap. Gross.

If you're going to swab mouths to try to grow bacteria, don't do it right after brushing. Apparently these boys brush better than they wash their hands.

Luke's got nastier feet than his brothers.

1 comment:

Starla said...

Makes me miss Microbiology! My lab partner and I found all sorts of gross stuff to culture... in his backpack! :) I never forgot the story the professor told us about a student who kissed her agar plate to see what she could grow, and ended up with a lip-shaped colony and two cherry red colonies above it... where she breathed out of her nose as she kissed! ew :) Looks like you've got some budding microbiologists in your class ;)