My Christmas cactus is having an identity crisis. No, it's not that it thinks of itself as a different kind of plant... it just doesn't think of itself as a Christmas cactus. First some background.
In 2007 the dear plant bloomed beautifully at Thanksgiving. So I had a Thanksgiving cactus. I was fine with that. It has dramatic bright pink flowers that I'm happy with any time of year. Then it bloomed again around Mother's Day. Okay, it's a Thanksgiving and Mother's Day cactus. And still I had no complaints.
Well this past Christmas the poor plant must have begun to feel stressed that it wasn't fullfilling it's holiday duties properly, and it attempted to bloom at Christmas time. It tried mightily, but alas, it was only able to produce about eight blossoms. I didn't complain (I try never to do that in their presence), although I was somewhat disappointed at it's weak show.
Now, however, it's loaded with buds. Apparently this year it's going to be a Groundhog's Day cactus! I attempt no predictions as to the dates of its next show.
Perhaps it's bored, and likes to keep things lively by blooming in honor of different holidays every year. Or maybe it's confused and unsure about when it's really supposed to bloom. Or perhaps it's posessed by a force that causes it to bloom against its will. Possibly it thinks it's dying (plants often attempt one last hurrah when they think their life is about over). I'm not sure whether I should pray for it, medicate it, put it in therapy or sit it down for a serious talk.
All that said, I'm still not complaining. Looking at it now, in all it's pregnant splendor, ready to burst with color and pollen, I think I'll just sit back and enjoy the pleasant surprise of random holiday flowers and its unique unpredictable personality.
1 comment:
I have a ________ cactus as well - not sure what holiday, 'cuz I bought it at Food Pavilion. Anyway, because I'm really bad about watering it, it keeps blooming. No complaints, right?
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