Thursday, December 09, 2010

Go Directly to Jail...

While playing Monopoly today, I was sent directly to jail. I asked the boys what my crime was. Their responses were:

"I think you stole some furniture." ~ Isaac

"I think you went to a store and got something but forgot to pay." ~ Elijah (I like how I "forgot" to pay and didn't really intentionally commit a crime)

"You were skidding." ~ Luke

And the winner...

"I think you were running around in the street with no clothes on!" ~ Levi

Thank-you, Levi.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I found your blog through a comment you left at Testosterhome. I see you're a mom to 4 boys and I have 4 boys too!

These quotes are priceless and I have to agree, Levi's comment takes the cake.