Friday, February 25, 2011

Good Eats Coming Up!

The local homeschool group is having a potluck tomorrow! Oh, it's a sledding party too, but for me, the potluck is the main event. I LOVE potlucks! I delight in getting to eat all sorts of wonderful things that I can't make for dinner at home because my family would leave me sitting alone at the table while they head down to the Cornerstone Café.

Potlucks also give me the opportunity to fix whatever dish my heart desires, even if it does have vegetables in it and go crunch; for instance a real salad with lettuce or cabbage and no jello (don't get me wrong, I love jello salads, but I can have those at home where they always goes over well) or a dessert with peanut butter in it which I can't get away with at home thanks to my crazy stud muffin who doesn't dig peanut butter unless it's on bread.

However, there is one dilemma: sometimes there is nothing my boys (or husband) care to eat at a potluck. Their spirits of adventure simply wither away in the presence of unfamiliar (or green) foods. They beg, "Mom, can you please always bring something we like?"

So my personal compromise is this: bring a main dish my whole family enjoys, and bring a salad or dessert of my choice. My quandary this time is which "dish of choice" to bring. I'm torn between cabbage and ramen salad and peanut butter balls. Oh the delicious dilemmas of potlucking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regretfully I deal with much of the same thing here Kerri. Only my family can't leave me sitting at the table alone, and go down to the corner cafe!:) I grow weary of trying to cook so that everyone will like it. Mandy tells me not to try so hard, but something in me really wants everyone to enjoy their meal!:( Thankfully, Daniel will eat ANYTHING I put in front of him, and the only thing he doesn't really care for is fruit with his meat. Consequently, I take sweet and sour meatballs to potlucks!!:)