Monday, September 19, 2011

A Morning Cuppa

"Tea contains high levels of antioxidants, some of which are called polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins, and all of which take on the 'free radicals' in the body and prevent them from harming the healthy cells on board."

Not that I needed the aforementioned reasons to enjoy my daily cup of tea. But I like knowing something I do for pleasure is actually good for me. Just don't tell those scientists about how I doctor it up. They might say it cancels out the good stuff. But I know that any scientifically proven health benefits or detriments of sugared, milky tea are really secondary to the pleasure of holding a hot mug in my hands, sipping a sweet, warm beverage on a cool fall morning and basking in the momentary relaxation of a tea break. That's gotta counteract free radicals like crazy!

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