Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday Factoids

It's Wednesday.  After staring at a blank screen for ten minutes, I can think of no particular topic on which to pontificate.  Here are seven little factoids, just to fulfill my Wednesday writing obligation.

1.  Did you know that "pontificate" means to express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous or dogmatic?  Perhaps I mis-used it in the previous sentence.  I hope my writing doesn't come across as annoyingly pompous!

2.  It rained and snowed this week and you could almost watch the landscape change from utterly and completely brown to brown-with-a-hint-of-green!  After an uncomfortably dry fall and winter, this moisture is an answer to many prayers.  Thank-you, Lord!

3.  I caught a stomach bug this week and upon recovering was reminded how wonderfully fabulous it is to feel healthy, and my sympathies to those who often don't feel that way were renewed.

4.  While I was chained to bed due to aforementioned bug, the boys did their school and their chores before using their screen time.  I was so proud.

5.  It's absolutely incredible how messy a house can get in the one day mama is stuck in bed, even when the kids do their chores!

6.  My list of things I'd like to try/tackle/test this summer is getting long enough that I'm thinking it may be easier to attempt some of them during the school year instead.

7.  Today I sat on the floor and played checkers with Elijah, and it was great.  I had just been thinking that it had been awhile since any of the boys had said, "Hey mom, wanna play a game?" and it was a little sad to think that maybe they're starting to outgrow the desire to play with me.  My presence used to be requested daily in the Lego pile, ya know.  I was highly in demand as a playmate!  It's good to still be wanted by my sons.

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