Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ten Minutes -- A Rant

Today's ten-minute contribution may go a little over the allotted ten minutes, because it's a rant, which is precisely why I'll try not to go too far beyond ten minutes.  Because who really wants to hear someone rant for ten minutes?  

Okay, here I go.

I despise Halloween!  Casually referred to as "the Devil's holiday," it encourages goriness, gluttony and greed.  I feel like this is one area where Christians should definitely be misfits, counter-cultural, a set-apart people -- you know, like Jesus was.

On the other hand, there is nothing devilish about dressing up in appropriate costumes, celebrating a feast (in moderation), and sharing our own bounty with others.

I wonder whether this is one of those areas where the apostle Paul would advise: follow your conscience.  Those whose faith allows them to eat meat offered to idols (or observing Halloween) should feel no qualms about doing so; but for those whose faith is weak and are bothered by eating meat offered to idols (or observing Halloween), it is sin to do so.

The problem I see with the conclusion of this argument, however, is that those with stronger faith are the ones who could observe Halloween!  This seems backwards to me.  Maybe because my faith is weak.

Anyway, the occasion is approaching and I'm dreading it.  I think I'll conveniently become bedridden-ly sick and let my husband and kids -- who are not in the least bothered by the holiday (as if it could even be called a "holy" day -- sheesh) -- observe it without me.

Okay.  I feel better now.  Sort of.  Thanks for listening, if you're still out there.

1 comment:

Lynette Thibeau said...

I grew up not being allowed to trick or treat, no Tooth Fairy, no Santa, no Easter Bunny, etc. My dad was a minister and all of those things were taboo. Halloween was "the devil's birthday" and the other things were "lying". I am 40 now and am VERY glad that I allowed my 3 kids to have all of those things. Christmas was the hardest, followed by Easter and Tooth Fairy, but I am still annoyed that I didn't get to participate in those things as a child. There's a magic to it that makes it fun. Halloween is something you must RE-create as a fun time to dress up and get candy. There is not any history left in it, I think. Just a suggestion, to help with the feelings you have. No offense meant.