Thursday, March 14, 2013

Going Political

Oops, missed the Wednesday deadline for writing something again.  But here are a few thoughts that have been swirling in my mind recently.

Advance apology:  this is a bit of a rant, and it's political, so stop reading now if you want.  I wouldn't blame you a bit.

I do not claim to understand the stress of people in high positions whose duties and schedules I have no comprehension of.  However, all the whining by secretaries, justices and even park rangers over government budget cuts is driving me nuts!  Yes, trimming a budget hurts, but for Pete's sake, can't people at least try to work with their smaller budgets?  Do they not realize that our country needs to reduce spending, and that their own agendas are not the only ones to be pinched?  Maybe the cuts weren't made in the best way -- I truly don't know -- but made they were and our leaders should buck up and deal with it with the best attitude they can muster.  Didn't their mothers ever tell them to keep their mouths shut if they can't say something nice?  Hmm, quiet politicians... what a thought!

As their and our patriotic duty, in demonstration of love and support for America, every citizen -- and especially her leaders! -- should be willing to say, "Yup, it hurts, but I can do this for my country."  Public servants should, in fact, be the first to set this kind of example.  Come on leaders, lead us well!

Okay, there's my rant for today.

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