Monday, June 17, 2013


I know, I've been slacking on the blogging lately.  I could make the excuse that with two new foster boys in the house I've been too busy adjusting and juggling to blog... except that I'd been rather delinquent with posting even before they arrived last week.  My apologies.

However, having these guys here has opened my eyes to some of the peculiarities of our family (or maybe just me).  That's homemade yogurt?  And homemade granola?  And homemade laundry detergent? And homemade (okay, home-canned) beans and pickles and salsa and applesauce (though the applesauce wasn't canned in our home, but was canned by Mom H and given to our household).  And you do homeschool?

Yes, we make and do a lot of stuff at home.  Is that strange?  Would it have looked strange two generations ago?  My grandmothers probably would have thought I was strange for all the things I don't make and do at home!  I'm no pioneer woman, but I enjoy (sometimes) and should (often) find frugal ways of making and doing things.  Thus, there have been a few raised eyebrows in the past week as many of our strange homemade ways have come to light.  And that's okay.

I think I'll go make a batch of yogurt now.

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